(From the Donetsk Region, where lots of fighting has happened. You can see the bullet holes in the regional sign behind the soldiers. One of my friends sent me this photos in the late fall/early winter of 2022)
June 4, 2023
Dear Friends,
None of us in the USA or any of our friends in Ukraine really know what is happening next in this horrible war between Ukraine and Russia. However, the president of Ukraine stated yesterday that Ukraine is ready for their counter-offensive:
If this is true, many more people will die soon. We have two friends that were recently drafted into the Ukrainian army, so we need to pray for their safety - they are very good Christians (I will report on them in August, most likely).
If you take the estimate that there are 3 injured soldiers for every soldier who dies in battle, then this horrific war has already taken the lives or injured 1,200,000 from both Ukraine and Russia.
Yes, this is "not" a misprint. 1.2 million soldiers have been killed or injured from both sides. Let me put this in perspective for you ... There were approximately 1,150 Americans killed or wounded in the Gulf War, 22,300 killed or wounded in the War with Afghanistan (over 20 years), 36,700 in the Iraq War, 211,000 Americans killed or injured in Vietnam. 139,000 Americans killed or injured in the Korean War, and a little over 1 million during World War 2. The total killed or injured in War from the United States in its entire history is 2,852,901, according to Wikipedia. That means about 42% of all people ever killed or injured in the United States history has happened between Russian and Ukraine in 16 months ... and the war is getting ready to escalate and rage on, with no end in sight!
Towns, cities and villages all across our region, the eastern and southern regions are either totally demolished or badly hit. Kyiv and the western regions of Ukraine have not been hit as hard, thankfully.
Please keep Ukraine in your prayers and pray for peace and an end to hostilities before this escalates with even more dead and wounded.
Our ministry partners are tired, but continue working hard. One has stopped communicating completely, one is disengaged with exhaustion, and the others are holding strong, based on our opinion.
They all thank you for your efforts. It seems like what we are doing, with your help, is so little compared to the massive needs, but you are making a difference to thousands of people through our ministry and ministry partners. Words do not express how thankful we are for you and all that you are doing!
To continue to help us, please go here (all gifts are tax deductible):
In Jesus' love,
Ron Putnam