We recognize that we must pray and operate under the following strategically formulated ministry principles:
God’s Blessing – SCM exists to help the lost, poor, and needy (emotionally, physically and spiritually), all in the name of Jesus. Experience dictates that God will bless our ministry as we take the time to cultivate our own relationship with him and abide in him first (John 15:1-17). We strive to be Christ-sufficient and maintain an attitude of Christian compassion and love as we minister to less fortunate individuals.
Faithfulness – Scripture indicates that we are yoked with Christ and that he desires to work with us in fulfilling the Great Commission. Thus, we are called to be joyful in our hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer (Rom. 12:12). At times we are tested to prove our faithfulness (1 Cor. 4:2), but we unswervingly hold to the hope we profess and remain faithful to Jesus Christ who shows his faithfulness as we partner with him (Heb. 10:23; Ps. 18:25).
Passion – We partner with Christian workers who have a desire to minister on behalf of Jesus with all of their heart. Our objective is to work passionately, diligently and joyfully using the gifts God has given each individual in an effort to expand Christ’s kingdom for Jesus on earth. Deuteronomy 12:18b says, “You are to rejoice before the Lord your God in everything you put your hand to.”
Integrity – All individuals will be held at the highest level of internal and external integrity according to biblical standards of fairness and ethics.
Accountability – Anyone associated with SCM will be held accountable to uphold and maintain the holy name and character of Jesus, SCM as an organization, and to protect the spiritual walk of every individual in our SCM family. This accountability is not done in a spirit of legalism, but in an environment of encouragement and grace to all that are struggling or have repented from wrongdoing.